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The Power of Grounding

The Power of Grounding

Wellness Essential 

In today's world, every electrical system is effectively grounded, firmly linked to the earth. It's no surprise, then, that when we connect our bioelectric bodies to the earth, we experience a feeling of steadiness and equilibrium that just feels natural!

What is Grounding?

Grounding, also referred to as earthing (distinct from certain grounding techniques used in mental health), entails establishing direct contact between the body and the Earth to harness its natural electric charges for stability. This can be achieved by walking barefoot outdoors or utilising indoor grounding systems while sleeping or sitting.

A Brief History of Earthing.

Throughout history, Indigenous cultures have revered the healing qualities of the Earth. In traditional Chinese medicine, for example, the notion of Qi (pronounced "chee") symbolises the vital energy that flows through the universe. Qi is considered the vital force that sustains life.

Research indicates that Qi exhibits several similarities with mitochondria, the cellular organelles responsible for producing energy. Mitochondria control cellular energy through fusion and fission processes. 

During the 19th century in Europe, the investigation into the Earth's natural energies was apparent, evidenced by the works of Louis Kuhne and Adolf Just, who explored the health advantages of walking barefoot outdoors.

Presently, there are studies examining the health effects of grounding, albeit not extensively publicised or disseminated on official platforms. I have included some of the latest research findings at the end of our Conversation.

Types of Earthing.

Research on earthing indicates decreased pain, stress, and inflammation, along with improved overall mental health. This method involves re-establishing the body's connection with the Earth's electrical currents through direct or indirect engagement. These techniques are:

  • Walking outside barefoot
  • Going swimming
  • Laying on the ground
  • Gardening
  • Using grounding mats, blankets, patches, and socks

Recent studies have demonstrated that grounding improves sleep quality, normalises the day-night cortisol rhythm, alleviates pain and stress, bolsters immunity, reduces inflammation, promotes cardiovascular health, and expedites wound healing. A summary of these findings has been published in the Journal of Environmental and Public Health in 2012.

While further research on grounding is necessary, we are already aware of the benefits of connecting with nature. From the physical advantages of enhanced oxygenation to the mental effects of the natural sounds and colours found in parks, forests, or beaches, spending time outdoors can greatly enhance our well-being. Our contemporary way of life often keeps us indoors, but prioritising outdoor activities can only be advantageous. With spring here, let's take advantage of the pleasant weather and embrace the opportunity to enjoy the outdoors!

As I conclude, know that you are not alone on this path to better health and wellness. Your journey is unique but together we form a community of strength and support.

Let’s thrive together,

Cristina x



Find more info on the Earthing Institute

Chevalier G, Sinatra ST, Oschman JL, Sokal K.: Earthing: health implications of reconnecting the human body to the Earth’s surface electrons. J. Environmental Public Health.

Chevalier G, Patel S, Weiss L, Chopra D, Mills PJ. The effects of grounding (Earthing) on bodyworkers’ pain and overall quality of life: a randomized controlled trial. Explore (NY). 2019

J.L. Oschman, G. Chevalier, R. Brown :The effects of grounding (earthing) on inflammation, the immune response, wound healing, and prevention and treatment of chronic inflammatory and autoimmune diseases

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